Accounting, Tax & Finance Training

Accounting, Tax & Excel
To reserve a place in this training, please click Reserve a place below.
This training enables the participants to work in finance all over the world and not be limited only to the territory of Kosovo.
It is a specialized school for finance that lasts 5-6 weeks in the classroom and then you are given 1-year access to our education portal where you will rewatch the recorded video lectures, exercises, assignments and tests all Online_cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
The training is focused on practice with financial software with real examples from real life in order for the participants to master the profession of finance and taxes.
This training is i specialized for finance personnel to understand the essence of finance and taxes as well as for job seekers who want to acquire the profession of finance and not have a problem in the labor market and find a place work in the field of finance not only in the market of Kosovo but all over the world.
The training also includes training in Excel as an indispensable tool in the world of finance.
The price for the training is 200 Euros (it can be divided into 100 Euros at the beginning and 100 Euros at the end of the training)
What this training includes:
- 1 year access to the online training platform
- Understanding of finance
- Understanding and building the financial database
- Handling of business transactions in the accounting program
- Advanced Excel training and learning (for the needs of the finance profession)
- Types of businesses - Opening a business in Kosovo - ARBK Online portal
- Working with accounting software (practical examples from the real world)
- Applicable taxes in Kosovo
- Elaboration and interpretation of tax laws and commercial companies in Kosovo
- Compilation and declaration of taxes (WM, CM, WR, VAT, IS, IL, QS, QL, PD, CD, DO.),
- Explanation of the EDI-electronic platform (online tax declaration)
- Keeping the Book of sale, purchase, cash register, stock
- Working with accounting software (practical examples from the real world)
- Preparation of financial statements
- Working with accounting software (practical examples from the real world)
- Compilation and filling of the financial statements requested by TAK and KKRF
In the end, you will be equipped with:
- The book with applicable laws in Kosovo
- Create a program in excel where from here you will manage sales, purchases, expenses,
- Program created in excel for calculating the employee's salary and taxes on that salary
- Management program created in Excel for stock management
- Each participant is provided with Certificates and transcripts of past modules.
Ligjerues ne kete trajnim eshte kontabilist i certifikuar Desidiat Kastrati, njeherit edhe pronar i kompanise.
Desidiat Kastrati ka pervoje +10 vjecare ne fushen e financave. Pervoja e tije karakterizohet kryesisht me menaxhimin e financave te korporatave.
Drejtor financiare ne nje prej insitucioneve finananciare ne Kosove si dhe menaxher finanaciare i disa prej korporatave ne Kosove.
Perveq menaxhimit te financave te disa prej korporatave ne Kosove, ka menaxhuar dhe udheheq financat edhe per disa kompani jashte teritorit te Kosoves si ne Washington, Londer etj.
Permes trajnimeve me literatur te krijuar nga pervoja e tij dhe ligjeratat e trajnimet qe ka mbajtur me ligjerues nga Kanadaja, USA, ka qellimin e vetem qe personeli financiar ne Kosove te jete i perditesuar dhe te jete ne hape me me te rejat boterore ne fushen e financave